
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Eli Roth's Clown

Recently I decided to watch a movie called Clown. I saw the previews a few months ago, and was instantly intrigued. I took note that it was created by Eli Roth. A director best known for his work in the Hostel franchise. You can check him out here. This sealed the deal for me.

I knew from the start that this was going to be a different film to watch, as most of Roth's titles are. In the past I have known him for gore, strange plots, and just an all around unique film. However, there is always a special feature that always sticks out for me. This movie was no different. 

The film got right to the point, no beating around the bush, or dragging on the character introductions. It begins with a young boys birthday party. Much like many parties, a clown was expected to be there. However, the plans falls flat, and the boy's father is left with the challenge of producing a clown in time for his boy's party. He just so happens to stumble upon an old clown costume, and decides that he will be the clown. You soon find out that the costume will not come off at all. The father slowly begins to morph into this clown, and soon develops the characteristics of a serial killer. 

Normally a movie as cheesy as this would be a little off setting for me, but this movie was different. I loved how they put a big twist on the classical clown movie. Instead of having the usual killer clown, this film presents it as a demon. A dark creature who embodies this costume and takes over anyone who inhabits it. This was a major plus for me. 

Next off, I enjoyed how the clown looked during its final transformation from the father to the demon. It was composed of amazing make up and digital technology. It was far from what was expected, and created a unique and memorable character. 

Word Count: 333

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